Are you heading towards your goals?

y very first blog so,after a lot of discussions(within myself) I have chosen to write something related to Self-improvement.

Life isGreetings! This is m full of dreams and goals from a toddler to an adult we all have dreams and goals.Some of them come true in our lives and some just leave a lesson.

It depends on the goals that we have,some need consistent effort and some are easy to fetch.

” When the going gets tough the tough gets going.” –  Joseph P. Kennedy

You just have to chase your dreams until you meet it.

Here are some of the feelings you will get when you are consistently marching towards your goal!

1. You are Confident about what you are doing

You feel confident about each and every step you take.But, some sort of confusion arises before acting it so don’t hesitate to do it.It’s all about trying and moving forward.You will never know when you are going to reach the destination Who knows? This could be your last stop for reaching your destination.

2.You started concentrating more on your work

Ummm!! Does this sounds like avoiding Facebook,Whatsapp,Instagram, and all distracting entertainments in your life? The answer is *NO* When the task is tough,When you struggle to succeed you kinda need some relaxing times and these are the part of them.This also means you have learned to balance your life between work and entertainment rather sticking yourself with one or other and standing at the same place without any progress.

3.You ignore people who fulminate against your views

Then and now we all have this critics who try to merge their thoughts and views,when you don’t follow them and ignore you will face a lot of criticism and you will see that they are always unhappy with you when you are around them.Just ignore them,This is a positive sign if you are trying to meet your goal.

4.You started analysing each and every failure 

Failure is a sign that you are productive.If you are not sobbing over your stoppage and started analysing to learn from it then it is a sure sign that you are heading towards your goal.

5.You are not ashamed of trying and failing and You never Give up!

Some of us get tired over trying to do things and make it work out.But we are not guaranteed that we will get what we want and so the result is failure 😦 .If you are not ashamed to trying the same thing by applying the lessons you learned from the past trials then it is a positive sign that you will meet your goal soon.It is good habit and never give up!

6.You are happy for who you are!

This is one sure shot sign that you are in love with yourself and you just embrace your life. No matter how hard we work , at the end of the day before closing our eyes for a good sleepd we all think about things we want to happen in our life and that is what we call as dreams!

Note :

I have written this blog post from own my experience.If you have any comments or issues please feel free to contact me 🙂

Happy Reading!




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