The Shape of you


Hi y’all!! Before starting with I would like to thank Ana for giving me this opportunity to get featured in her blog site 🙂


Ok guys! The tittle seems familiar isn’t it? Yeah! Don’t mistake me for that, the blog has nothing do with Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You.

Now coming to the topic, we all start living our life once we get matured enough to know what is good for us and what gives happiness when we do it. Do we enjoy doing things which are forced by someone? When someone tries to merge their experience with ours? Obviously no, We might do them but not with full dedication, love, interest and happiness. As a result what happens? Well, our life is shaped into something that we have never imagined.

This is our life we have to shape it!!! That is what the post is about 🙂


Well I wanted to make it as a paragraph but then felt it would be better if I put it as a listicle.


1) Follow your Passion

To be precise, find in what field you are passionate about. Believe me it is very difficult to find what field fits us perfectly we may be passionate on lot of things but choose the one in which you are expert at and the one which suits you. Let’s take an example incident from my life in my childhood I wanted to become an administrative officer and I kept telling everyone the same thing, then a teacher when I got a little older, when I was in high school I wanted to become a doctor and now I’m an Software Engineer (not an engineer a graduate actually 😂). It evolves. Never give up on yourself when you choose your passion for your career. I actually didn’t want to study engineering in the start but for god sake I scored decent marks and completed my course. So whatever it is when you are pushed to do something try to get rid of it in the start else work hard on it and achieve something. What I want to make clear here is when you don’t want to do it skip at the start , if you have decided to do it without your interest give it a try and shape yourself for making the best out of it 😇.


2) Be Courageous

“Have courage and be kind ”  we all have heard it from the movie Cinderella. Having courage to do something is an important trait that qualifies all the other features of your character. Courage is when you stand for something which you feel is right even if it is not going to complement others. You must have the courage to do things that shapes you into the person who you want to be. A person who is straight forward will have courage to do what they feel right. Having courage means you can take initiative at every point of your life and decide on your own when you feel down and you can get back to normal life with ease.


3)Learn to Forgive

To lead a happy life you must learn to forgive people who has not well behaved with you. Forgiving is an art, not everyone has mastered it. To learn to forgive others one must learn to forget the hard memories they had with those people. Moving forward with life will become easy when you learn to forgive people.


4)Be kind and humble

Sometimes being kind and humble helps. Don’t feel bad to be submissive at times. Take a deep breath and listen to others and try to understand people as who they are, this helps you to learn them better and you can be kind with them naturally.


That’s all guys 🙂 I tried to make it as simple as possible. These are few among the finest traits of a good human being. Be happy for being yourself, enjoy your life, If you enough money travel as much as you can so that you get know lot of people and gain experience.

If you still didn’t get the reason behind why I have named the post as “The shape of you”  continue reading….Yes!! The shape of you is your character, the soul that lies in your body is the one that gonna impress others make sure your shape is as attractive as possible 😇😉


To conclude with, This is my favourite part of the lyric from the Shape of you Album By Ed Sheeran


Say, boy, let’s not talk too much
Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead                         Come, come on now, follow my lead


So what is your favourite part of the lyrics do comment it below along with your views about the post 🙂


Happy commenting!!



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